miércoles, 22 de noviembre de 2017

5 humanistic pillars which are changing the business world

Business humanism that emerges to consolidate solidarity into organizations is imposing in the business world, changing it decisively.

Many times I have addressed this very important issue to the business group I preside because for some time we have tried to become a model and a reference of business humanism in our country. However, today I am going to emphasize five humanistic pillars which are currently changing the business world:

1. To put human beings as ultimate goals and the reason of companies. Beyond productivity and profitability, dignity of each related (chairmen, employees, workers, providers, customers, public in general) is highlighted to leverage their full growth.

2. Management aware of its role into the society it belongs to. Hence they are not satisfied to keep to legal obligations but to make a business social commitment aimed at common benefit and integral well-being of the whole society.

3. To promote collaborators’ capabilities, potentialities and talents through motivation and education to achieve business goals and at the same time it supports their full development as human beings, professionals and integral citizens.

4. Merits as sources of authority. Authority is based on merits and not in the power of a position. Therefore, authority will always have to be aimed at setting the example and trying to get respect from decisions, actions and team work, rather than coercive ability or a position in the organization chart.

5. Sensible and flexible leadership. To appreciate and understand individuals in their full complexity, to listen to them, help and motivate them to reach their goals. To notice changes and adapt to them. An open, conciliatory and optimistic attitude. 

lunes, 6 de noviembre de 2017

8 keys to strengthen social commitment in your company

Dealing with our experience with programs we have been carrying out to support the education of youths with low economic resources, I would like to leave for your consideration some key recommendations that will be helpful to strengthen actions, plans and programs which, beyond responsibility, we consider them as our Business Social Commitment (“Compromiso Social Empresarial”, CSE for its acronym in Spanish)

Stop to think and know the vulnerable sector. Many times what we think might help them, is very far away from what they really need and expect from us. It is a fundamental practice to influence positively and adjust the budget.

Focus on a goal according to a big problem. This determination will be part of your business identity and it will give you a range wide enough to develop several programs according to possibilities.

An inner commitment. If you are concerned in helping childhood, disability, health or education, to mention some cases, start with your human talent, providers, neighbors, affiliates and customers. This will give you reliability, credibility and good reputation in front of the rest of the community.

Planning and linkage with the company. This will undoubtedly give you solidity, because when planning, we establish an alignment with business values, their reasons for being and their sustainability needs.  

Involve your human team work as much as possible. You will be surprised at the fact that many of them share your sensibility when facing some problems and situations. Facilitate their participation and take into account any emerging ideas in order to strengthen the activity.

Create support networks. A great social project might not have a happy ending if effective networks of collaborators and sponsors are not inserted. Allies, volunteers, specialists in the area, an organized community, authorities and friends of the cause contribute to consolidate it along the time.

Coherence between saying and doing. There is nothing better to strengthen a social commitment project than our own daily behavior facing this reality. A team in charge of managing it successfully is not enough. Companies’ speech and behavior must be adequate to this vision of society we are pursuing.

Inform results and next projects. Allow people involved and the public in general to know the impact of your CSE with quantitative and qualitative results that they can value and acknowledge as a true contribution to the community. 

sábado, 13 de mayo de 2017

What is online trading?


 By Raúl Gorrín.-    It is understood by online trading to the commercialization of financial instruments that are listed on the stock exchange through a broker and carried out over the internet. The use of the web will therefore be its main feature. It is not required to attend the financial advisor's office because everything takes place on the network. Thus, we will be in the presence of online trading operations that are performed on financial instruments listed on the stock market using the platform provided by a broker. A click on the computer or mobile device is the only thing that has to be done because, is not necessary to communicate by telephone with the broker.

     As we can see, it is a new possibility brought to us by the new technologies and with them has become popular trading that stopped being an activity exclusively for the financial elite. It is no longer necessary to go to the stock exchange to buy, sell and trade stocks, currencies and all the papers that move there. Now, what do you need to do online trading? Well, it only requires a computer or mobile device that allows the fast connection to the Internet, something vital to carry out any stock trading, also needs a trading platform that will supply you with a broker and, of course, a capital to start operating in the trading world.

     Although there is no requirement for being a financial genius, it is advisable to have some basic knowledge in the subject. The other important decision you have to make is the choice of a broker. Because online trading, a large number of prestigious companies have come up with this service. We have to analyze the support that these brokers can provide, as well as their services, effectiveness and prestige. 

     The question that everyone is asking is about the capital that is needed to venture into online trading. Is it necessary to have a lot of money? As there is no minimum or maximum amount to operate in this modality. In any case, it is some of the brokers that set requirements of this nature.
Some experts estimate that a reasonable amount to start online trading is around $ 5,000, but there are broker platforms that allow you to enter with $ 100 or less.

El emprendimiento humanista
Los nuevos emprendedores
Referencia empresarial
Conciencia social
Productivity and Efficiency
The Entrepreneur-humanist

Follw me:

viernes, 12 de mayo de 2017

Human resources working in a crisis times

   Por Raúl Gorrín.-   The world has faced a severe global crisis for several years, which represents a challenge for all the activities for us, the human being, including business and in this context, in the area of ​​human resources. Human resources departments have to take actions that directly impact the economic performance of their organizations. It is about surviving in difficult times and, in the process, being productive and competitive. Plus, in terms of HR, it is necessary to work on a short-term basis by seeking to contain, flexibilize and reduce personnel costs that tend to have a considerable weight in the company's accounts.

     Moreover, human resources are responsible for actions such as:

1. Eliminate positions in a planned manner through the application of policies for early retirement, the incentive of casualties, temporary suspension of contracts, reduction of recruitment, among others. Now, this should be analyzed very carefully, since every case is very particular. In fact, studies have determined that companies that haven’t resorted to these measures have achieved more profitability and more customer satisfaction. Therefore, study your situation very well to determine whether or not these measures work for you.

2. Labor flexibility, already commented on several occasions. A measure that helps to make contracts and costs more flexible.

3. Implementation of salary policies focused on performance and flexible remuneration. We are talking about remunerations that are directly related to productivity.

4. Increase the control and analysis of human resources information to identify deviations and act promptly.

5. Flexibilize the costs of human resources processes by developing formulas for outsourcing non-strategic HR practices. It is up to you to work with human resources based on the optimization of the personnel you have and to make the most of the talent, especially the highly qualified.

El emprendimiento humanista
Los nuevos emprendedores
Referencia empresarial
Conciencia social
Productivity and Efficiency
The Entrepreneur-humanist

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