martes, 24 de enero de 2017

United team for business transformations


  Changes impose in the companies; they have a support in the organizational culture which is a factor for the successful of transformations. If this does not satisfy expectations that every change needs, it will come failure. These transformations won’t be available if change management is very low. Nobody support something if they don’t know nothing about it, that’s why, it is important a detailed conversation to achieve changes in every aspect.

     On the other hand, fear get install on work environment because it is ruined by stress, when organizational healthy is not policy and happiness is not an objective. Because of this, anxiety, depression, demoralization, doubt and emotional disengagement cause problems.

     When there is no a detailed function on what to do, workers get confused by wrong messages sent and chaos is created. Leaders, give an accurate vision on what is the main reason that they want to make. As a result, they will send correct messages to their workers.

     A part from that, human resources contributes on failure because they don’t participate on motivation for the transformation process. In other words, transformations need workers with the right information and they have to understand what are those changes if not, work as a team would be complicated.

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