martes, 8 de diciembre de 2015

Raúl Antonio Gorrín: I ¿ Are you able to build a strong positive attitude ?

By Raúl Gorrín. You know my dad pushed me to believe that I was going to be the best. “, this is a quote from  Andre Agassi. Andre said that when he was a child, his dad moved out of Chicago so that he could practice everyday. As a result little Andrea never doubted that one day he would be the best. 

The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice. It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men. Agassi became great because of two reasons. One is he had the talent and training to become one of the greatest tennis players of all times. Second his dad instilled in him the belief that he could do it. A child taught early on that they can be the greatest at what their talents are and a parent who gives them the training to back up that positive reinforcement is giving their child the best chance of success. The child will also be happier because they are encouraged to follow what they enjoy and where their talent lies. This type of parent helps their child have a healthy self esteem and teaches them to go after what they enjoy. 

A parent positive' reinforcement is more than just verbal words. A parent can send out vibes, a negative attitude without ever saying anything negative. If the parent has depression or the parent has negative self esteem then they may say encouraging words but their actions may be very poor and they be instilling in their child complexes that will affect their entire future. These mothers are threatened and become either abusive and hostile or unassertive and submissive. They send confusing messages to their children, with the result that children stop paying attention to them as well as showing a decrease in cognitive ability. This view of the power relationship takes its toll on mothers’ ability to problem-solve and therefore to operate effectively in their parenting role. Similarly, mothers of infants who are low in self-efficacy, that is, do not believe they can parent effectively, give up on parenting when the task is challenging and become depressed. They are cold and disengaged in interactions with their babies.
Globovisión, Raúl Gorrín, Raúl Antonio Gorrín, Seguros La Vitalicia Raúl Gorrín, Medios de comunicación, Venezuela, Gobierno, Empresarios, Emprendedor
In a press release, Rosie O'Donnell has commented about her own experience, "the dark cloud that arrived in my childhood did not leave until I was 37 and started taking medication. My depression slowly faded away.” We usually think about how having a positive attitude can affect our life, seldom do we realize the effect that it will have on your kids. If you are able to build a strong positive attitude , that attitude will be instilled to your offspring. If you are negative, you will not only harm your life but you can ruin your next generation for many years to come and maybe forever. By Raúl Gorrín.

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