martes, 22 de diciembre de 2015

Raúl Gorrín: Leaders can take responsibility for their own mistakes in public in order to be a model of this behavior

Por Raúl Gorrín.- Productivity in a company is increased if we increase the ability for the company to work at close to maximum efficiency. So what are some of the ways to increase efficiency? One of the many ways , is for its workers to take responsibility for what they have done. If they never take responsibility then how can they learn from the error of their ways. If they deny their mistakes, then what is to stop them from keep making the same mistakes over and over. 

“The only real mistake is the one from which we learned nothing. “    Henry Ford

The best way to set up an atmosphere of responsibility in a company is for its leaders and management to teach by their own behavior. 

“Don’t find fault , find a remedy!”  again Henry Ford.

The result of finger pointing can be detrimental to everyone involved, particularly in the workplace, researchers say.   In an organizations where blame is the norm, group members are likely to be less creative and perform poorly. The blamer also takes a hit. When an individual is always pointing to external reasons for your mistakes you won't learn from those mistakes, so it hinders your ability to learn and become more effective.
And then there's the kick-the-dog effect.
Globovisión, Raúl Gorrín, Raúl Antonio Gorrín, Seguros La Vitalicia Raúl Gorrín, Medios de comunicación, Venezuela, Gobierno, Empresarios, Emprendedor,
"It's the kick- the-dog effect where if someone high in the hierarchy makes a mistake and blames the person below them for the mistake and that person blames the person below them and so on, and when there's no one else to blame that person goes home and kicks the dog,"

"When we blame, we give away our power."     —   Greg Anderson

Habitual blaming over time perpetuates bitterness, resentment, and powerlessness, as the victim suffers. Often, those who are the target of your blame have little idea (or could care less) about how you really feel. You only hurt yourself by being a prisoner of your own bitterness and resentment. Your feelings may be justified, but they will not help you become happy, healthy, and successful. Your workers will not respect you and they will resent you. They will feel like they should not try to help the company because they are getting blamed for things they never did. But as the ‘kick the dog’ scenario explains that feeling of blame and resentment will spread through the company, as everyone starts to spread the blame and point the finger elsewhere.

This will hurt the companies chances of being as productive as it should.

To boost performance, companies might want to keep blaming others to a minimum.

It's important for leaders and organization managers who are trying to shape their cultures in a way to improve performance and creativity. If you're a leader, don't blame other people, at least not publicly. You might want to offer praise in public, but if you have to blame someone, do it in private.

Leaders can take responsibility for their own mistakes in public in order to be a model of this behavior. Some companies already do this by throwing so-called failure parties in which people talk about their mistakes and learn from them. By Raúl Gorrín.



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