lunes, 4 de enero de 2016

Raúl Gorrín: Get more done when you eat there food

Just about everything we eat is converted by our body into glucose, which provides the energy our brains need to stay alert. When we’re running low on glucose, we have a tough time staying focused and our attention drifts. This explains why it’s hard to concentrate on an empty stomach.Mostrando image.png

The types of food that we eat and the manner in which it is digested will effect our bodies , our energy level, our ability to think clearly and how productive we are.

High  fat food (think cheeseburgers and BLTs) provide a lot of energy but they are digested very slowly. This will reduce the oxygen to our brain and in turn will make us tired and groggy.

Foods that are of  high carbohydrates like pasta, bread, pizza, cereal and soda will give us a quick burst of energy. This burst of energy will not last long as carbs burn off quickly. So you will get your burst of energy but then your body will crash and you will slow down.

Foods with protein but lower in fat will give you the energy that you need to stay on the top of your game but will be easier on the body to digest and not make you groggy.

I remember all the times while I was at work and knew I had a lot to do that afternoon. So I either skipped my lunch or I ate a fast meal. Unhealthy lunch options also tend to be faster than healthy alternatives, making them all the more alluring in the middle of a busy workday. They feel efficient. Which is where our lunchtime decisions lead us astray. We save 10 minutes now and pay for it with weaker performance the rest of the day. So we save time either skipping lunch or eating unhealthy fast foods – only to find that our bodies slow down the rest of the day. Our production suffers. I found many times that I had to push myself so much to work after that fast unhealthy meal and that I had so little energy that I had to redo my work or that I got nothing done.

So slow down. Give yourself your lunch break. Eat right. Energize your brain and your body. Your productivity will only increase. I know of some companies that have insisted that their employees take lunch or if they have to work without a lunch break, the company buys and brings lunch in. they got the right idea.

Eating right increases productivity. By Raúl Gorrín



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