viernes, 20 de mayo de 2016

Raúl Gorrín:The humanist entrepreneur

By Raúl Gorrín. In all our lives true happiness is only achieved when we have proper balance. Love and work are said to be the cornerstones of being human and both are very important for happiness. Yet juggling the demands of each can be difficult.

We have set up our societal system to achieve its balance with barter.  A community or another person needs a good or service and you can provide that service then you are compensated for your labor with money. This money in exchange will allow you to buy other products or services.  An entrepreneur is a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so.

A teacher, as an example, goes in the her job to teach her class and she expects to get paid for it.  That is her business side. Her entrepreneurial side.  If one day her school was to tell her that she will no longer be paid then her entrepreneurial side will dictate that she not show up to work and look for some other work. A business owner must weigh taking on a job as to see how it will be to his benefit. Will this job make  him a profit? Will this job help grow the business? That is our business side that must weigh the benefits of doing a particular job against the time,  effort, cost and risk involved before deciding to accept. The entrepreneur can make a living that can increase his standard of living. This us what the business world and working is all about.

Each of us also has a humanistic side to us. That is that inner voice in us that compels us to want to do nice things for others. Let's use the  example of the teacher. The teacher has a skill that can be used to make money. She goes to work and is compensated for it. If a child needs extra help, she can be available to tutor the child and be paid as a tutor. This is being practical. Food, rent , clothes , cars, entertainment all cost money. It's providing this service that will pay for these goods. But let's says there is s child in the class that is in poor financial shape. That child because of circumstance can not read. This teacher may want to tutor this child for free. Maybe the teacher would help the family with some clothes and money.

Inside of that teacher there is a struggle. One that says, teaching us your profession. It's how you get paid. It's how you pay your bills. There is another internal struggle within the teacher that says, "I want to help this person, I do not care about the money. I like helping other people because it makes me feel good. I don't want money for it". That is this teachers humanistic side.

Every person  and every organization or business must figure out a balance between what makes us a profitable unit and what makes us human. Of course we need to make our profit but we all share this planet together. By helping others, we s how've s certain balance that gives us a satisfaction and happiness that money can not buy.(Raúl Gorrín)


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