jueves, 4 de mayo de 2017

Design thinking is a tool for innovation


 By Raúl Gorrín.-   Nowadays, to achieve success you need to be creative and ride on the innovation bus. This is the market demand and if you don’t take the risk you will be a fossil. Fortunately, there are tools that make easy the process of innovation, including “design thinking” that is very useful for organizations when designing solutions, as it allows companies to obtain better results in marketing. The design thinking tried to develop the innovation placing people in the center who acquire the leading role. 

     Design thinking uses the sensitivity of the designer and his problem-solving method to solve people's needs in a technologically possible way while being commercially viable. We are in the presence of a tool, a technique, a methodology that improves the design and puts the final product in the background. Also, design thinking resort to different ways and are developed through multidisciplinary teams. You have to think like a designer, be creative and connect with the consumer.

     In brief, the issue is not to generate big campaigns but to connect with consumers in a meaningful way for them. This is what matters, the nexus, the emotional connection that is created with the consumer and the brand, to be exact, it generates a commitment/loyalty because the company provokes in the client feelings and emotions around the story that tells. A product is not bought just because it likes, but because of how the customer feels about himself when he uses it. It is a matter of creating experiences and emotions.

     It is very important that everyone in the company share the same vision, the designs must be the result of an environment in which collaboration prevails. This connection must be long-lasting over time. It can’t be circumstantial because it does not work.

El emprendimiento humanista
Los nuevos emprendedores
Referencia empresarial
Conciencia social
Productivity and Efficiency
The Entrepreneur-humanist

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