sábado, 11 de marzo de 2017

Diversity is required at companies


 By Raúl Gorrín.-  Society have changed and these changes pose new demands, one of them is the need for diversity in organizations so as to integrate payrolls, personnel from all socioeconomic strata, races, gender, skills, age, in order to generate added value to companies and enterprises. The approach to the need to implement diversity in companies is derived from the massive sale of products and / or services intended for people who, generally, have a minimal or no representation in organizations. We talk about people with disabilities, homosexuals, members of ethnic groups and religions.

     The fact is when it is not created, in the XXI century; old patterns continue to govern, for example, the privilege of men over women, or people of middle or upper class over those from lower socioeconomic strata, to refer only to two aspects. Discrimination tends to increase when other aspects such as gender or religion are touched. Fortunately, things have been changing and organizations have understood that unique prototypes of employees are by no means an ideal model of selection.

     On the other hand, crises have their good side and have driven a change of mind. Likewise, diversity is a necessity that makes great contributions and promotes a renewal vision in the way to approach the processes, the way of closing the business and the organizational culture. The criteria of selection are to bring about the requirements of the position, possess a broad index of emotional intelligence, training, experience, above gender, religion or social status. This is an issue that has to keep evolving, because although there is progress, there is much to be done, even because integration is often done by virtue of the supply that is available.


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