sábado, 25 de marzo de 2017

Improve your ability to concentrate


 By Raúl Gorrín.-  Today we want to give you some advices to teach you how to eliminate the distracting elements around you that threaten the development of your work.

1)      Take care of your sleep, don’t neglect it and invest your efforts in sleeping in a relaxed and pleasant way. Determine the time you need to get rest. It is between six and nine hours of sleep. Find out the answer and rest.

2)      Set the time to get out of your bed every single day.

3)      Take time to exercise. Studies have determined that exercise improves memory and concentration.
4)      Create work routines and get used to them, this will help you organize your time.

5)      Get rid of distracting elements such as your social networks, email, and phone at the beginning of your work.

6)      Do one thing at a time according to priorities and urgency.

7)      Work intensely for 25 minutes and then relax for five minutes. Start over and you will soon see the results.

8)      Keep a plan of your daily activities and stick to it. This practice will help you to realize the actions that you have to develop.

9)      If you work where you hear a lot of noise, use the of headphones with a lower volume. Using them, will tell others to not distract you.

10)  Listening to music (classical or relaxing music) help you to keep focused on your job.

11)  Be aware if you are able to perform your work at time that was set for it. Sincere yourself and look for support (if it is necessary), a good co-worker, a responsible and tenacious person, will be your ideal help.

12)  It is important to work on what we like, but if you have to develop a project that is not to your liking prepare emotionally.

13)  Rest when you have completed stages of your project. In this way, you can start the next phase full of energy and vitality.

El emprendimiento humanista
Los nuevos emprendedores
Referencia empresarial
Conciencia social
Productivity and Efficiency
The Entrepreneur-humanist

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