miércoles, 15 de marzo de 2017

Overcome hallway rumors in your company

By Raúl Gorrín.-     Hallway rumors exist in all organizations and it constitutes an important informal source of information which many truths can circulate, but also a great amount of lies. Studies have determined what it is said in organizations, has decisive effects on the internal environment of companies. Rumors can’t be controlled by the organization, it’s like rumors lives by its own. In contrast, hallway rumors are more credible than official company communications (for workers).

     On the other hand, studies reveal that 75 percent of the circulated information is true (in companies). The problem is that lies sometimes aren’t sanctioned. Let's be honest, the rumors are initiated by the "need" to start "good gossip". It is known from the research that the rumors arise as a response to situations or circumstances of vital importance for workers in the absence of official information or it could be because there is too much ambiguity in the information emanating from the managerial teams. Then comes the anxiety, the discomfort and hence, the gossip.

     Nowadays, these elements are present at work. A typical cause of gossip is promotions policies, the appointment of new bosses, the relocation of employees, layoffs and resignations. A good way to overcome rumors is truthful and official information to counteract excessive hallway rumors. It is up to the human resources and communication departments to implement effective internal information that serve to measure quantity the gossip in organizations.


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