lunes, 3 de abril de 2017

How hybrid organizations work?


 By Raúl Gorrín.-   Nowadays, companies are taking elements from here and there, according to the models that give them the best alternatives and possibilities. At the moment what defines the organizations are the general objectives that have been outlined. For almost all companies, the main interest is to generate economic benefits, although there are some non-profits, whose objective is the social good. A third option is hybrid organizations.

     Hybrid organizations are those which the social and commercial interests are combined. They are an intermediate alternative between the two models. It should be noted that hybrid organizations are not new, since for many years, companies (many of them) undertake philanthropic projects. Likewise, non-governmental organizations have opted to implement practices that allow them to generate income, so they can count on financing resources to carry out their projects without having to depend on donations that are increasingly scarce.

     Besides, for hybrid organizations, the social-philanthropic and the commercial-traditional are at the same level of importance. 

     The advantages of hybrid organizations we have:

1)      The model has some advantages over the traditional models of business management.

2)      The model of hybrid organizations strengthens the social commitment of companies, as they work towards the social, cultural and economic development of the regions where they operate.

3)      The model also promotes positive actions for the environment benefit. There is particular concern for the preservation of the scenario which the organizations are located.

4)      Hybrid organizations are looking for new ways of relating to the environment.

     With these activities and objectives, the organizations prestige increases, leaving them to be concerned only with their profit and take an active role in the society benefit and the environment.

El emprendimiento humanista
Los nuevos emprendedores
Referencia empresarial
Conciencia social
Productivity and Efficiency
The Entrepreneur-humanist

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