martes, 4 de abril de 2017

“Laissez faire” leader

By Raúl Gorrín.-      The leader is definitely a fundamental figure in society and organizations. The leader is part of this model, is one who plays an important role. There is no a type of leadership or leader. We are going to refer this time to the most popular laissez faire” leader. The laissez faire leadership is what makes and allows doing and also, gives a decisive role for workers. The laissez faire leader depends on workers to achieve goals and gives them operational independence in making important decisions and don’t judge them. 

      The laissez faire leadership is characterized by:
a)      Preferring clear norms.
b)      They don’t have the leading role.
c)      Are neutral in their opinions.
d)     Little influence on the achievements and objectives of the company.
e)      Don’t play an important role in the work climate.
f)       They don’t make judgments about the contributions and suggestions of employees.
g)       The company is not paralyzed by its absence.

     What are the advantages of laissez faire leadership?
a)      Organizations can continue their function perfectly during the leader's absences, by having autonomy, the workers feel very well and highly stimulated.
b)      Employees work more freely. The pressures are minimal in this type of leadership.
c)      There is delegation of functions. The workers have more possibilities of business promotion.

     Among the disadvantages of laissez faire leadership we have:
a)      The fact that workers with little training, knowledge and experience can become a barrier to business and work teams.
b)      The fact that you can lose the target if you don’t have enough information.
c)      It is difficult to resolve conflicts under this model of leadership because the figure of the leader can be lost or ignored completely.
d)     It only works with highly experienced staff and with some seniority in organizations.

El emprendimiento humanista
Los nuevos emprendedores
Referencia empresarial
Conciencia social
Productivity and Efficiency
The Entrepreneur-humanist

Follw me:

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