martes, 14 de febrero de 2017

Business models promote business success

By Raúl Gorrín.-A business model, also known as business design, is the planning that a company makes regarding the income and benefits. This time we are talking about three successful models such as: multiplicative, profitability and exponential.

·         Multiplicative: cover companies offering special products or services with added value to the customer, so that more qualified staff is needed. It is profitability for our companies. As its name implies, it is characterized by growing or extending to other regions through branches or franchises. To companies that earn their income, it allows us as entrepreneurs to offer basic commodities like selling raw materials such as: metals, energy products, grains and meats. They are characterized by their simplicity.

·         Profitability: there is no service associated with its marketing. It is a model that we can apply with no difficulty, being products of easy to get and maintenance. This type of business doesn’t grow or expand to other regions and markets.

·         Exponential: is sold continuously throughout the year the products or services, without stopping for a second: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. They are characterized by having a viral distribution system, expanding the growth to other borders nationally and internationally. They have a networked sales system, which self-replicates daily to other markets. It is a system that offers us the opportunity for other branches to carry out the business independently, efficiently and effectively. Their sales have no limits as well as their profitability. Its marketing and advertising system can serve quite a lot of countries.

El emprendimiento humanista
Los nuevos emprendedores
Referencia empresarial
Conciencia social
Productivity and Efficiency
The Entrepreneur-humanist

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