martes, 14 de febrero de 2017

Not all the workers have the same motivation and interest


By Raúl Gorrín.-  When we are evaluated, there is almost never talk about expectations and motivations that we have as employees. As workers, companies are sometimes annually evaluated, but these are based mainly on quantitative results and competencies examination and in others, they set a goal for the future as improvement points and deadlines for compliance.

     Managers in charge of management in small and large companies, should find out what are the particular needs that motivate us. For example, some workers only seek to meet recognition needs, if this is the case, our superiors should see the possibility of designing mechanisms to show appreciation for the work done well, and as a result, show their satisfaction for good compliance and reward us for it.

     If we have a desire for professional development, it is convenient that we suggest training courses through the design of a career plan that allows us to achieve the goals that we ambition inside the position scheme of the company. If there are other employees with a desire for achievement, the organization can consider achieving goals that create a professional challenge and reward us for achieving them, because we don’t share the same interests. In addition, according to the life evolution our motivations are changing. Not all of us have the same interests.

     If human resource managers know exactly what are the vital objectives, motivations and design strategies the involvement and motivation will be highest and our contribution to the business objectives will be guaranteed. There are basic needs in which workers want to be recognized, cared for and evaluated such as safety, love, esteem and self-realization. Moreover, we are motivated by the desire to achieve and maintain the various conditions on which these satisfactions are based and more intellectual desires for personal and professional improvement.

El emprendimiento humanista
Los nuevos emprendedores
Referencia empresarial
Conciencia social
Productivity and Efficiency
The Entrepreneur-humanist

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