jueves, 9 de febrero de 2017

Systemic Coaching, a good option for your organization

By Raúl Gorrín.- Coaching examines the family business, work and community. It studies the attitude of human being, based on the perception that he has of the real world. Coaching applies its dynamics individually or in groups. It helps every person to contribute successfully to a larger system, through the creation of new and coherent circumstances, attitudes and experiences.
     Systemic coaching also helps us advance to new and higher levels of personal, professional and organizational development, achieving great results based on high performance standards, professional ethics and life quality. They focus on the development of the person's internal processes which allows him to have better results, while the coaches focus on the internal processes of the team or, on the dynamics that occur between the members.
     Systemic coaching helps us to understand the processes of our organization, analyzing what are useful and modifying those that are generating conflict, so they have a positive result on the employees and in an individual way.
     Systemic coaching also focuses on:
• It accompanies their clients to take care of themselves, without an external help.
• It analyzes peer to peer the relationships with the clients. They never see them as a helpless or victim of circumstances.
• It motivates us to be always impartial between all parties involved in a situation, if they are present or not.
• It constantly inspires us to work in our personal processes, so we can accompany the client in the best way.
• It respects the process and the perception of the clients without judging or having preconceived ideas of them or theirs dynamics.
• It accompanies the clients to perceive with coherence when they are making the decision to purchase a product.
• Also, It helps the clients to define their own needs.
El emprendimiento humanista
Los nuevos emprendedores
Referencia empresarial
Conciencia social
Productivity and Efficiency
The Entrepreneur-humanist

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