miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2017

Shame is not so bad at all


By Raúl Gorrín.-  Shame is an emotion that pretends to hide some defect or action from ourselves that we believe if we were seen. This could provoke rejection from others. It is an emotion that makes us to hide ourselves from the rest of the people or make us self-criticism to avoid or minimize the destructive criticism or rejection from others. Although, some shame feelings such as anger, sadness and fear indicate that something very bad is happening in our lives that motivate us to modify a certain embarrassing behavior.

     Excessive shame is a negative feeling. It drives us away from others so that personal relationship is damaged or abandoned. It is like when a person says to himself: "I have many defects and complexes that I can never improve, I better laugh". But not everything is so bad when we talk about shame, because there a positive way, it is manifested through a temporary state that tells us that something is really wrong in our relationships with the world. It tells us that the connection between us and others has broken and we need to repair it. Positive shame is like a good friend who is not afraid to tell us that we are ruining our lives.

     In addition, when we feel ashamed, we want to disappear, but at the end, we want to be accepted through our emotions and in some corner, we hope to return to the side of our family and friends, that is precisely one of the advantages of positive shame because it guides us back to the community, reality and happiness Also, it helps us discover important truths about ourselves It can be of great value, because we could accept the human limits if we don’t experience shame.

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Follw me:

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