miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2017

Work and personal life can be together?


By Raúl Gorrín.- Many people think that there’s no balance between work and personal life, but it does exist. The different is for every person. That’s why there will be advice that won’t solve anything for us, but another person will. What we should be clear is that there’s no solution to see it.
     Each of us has different circumstances, priorities and needs. We have to know them all in order to determine the best way to adjust work and private life. But we wonder how to balance these two parts. We should keep in mind that quality matters more than quantity.

     We do not need long periods of time to feel good, a quarter of an hour reading is enough to relax, a yoga class of half an hour, a 20 minute walk with our couple, family or friend and yes! It is possible to dedicate half an hour of uninterrupted attention to our children (if you have, of course). Moreover, to listen to music in the vehicle or perhaps, spending lunch time chatting with someone, eating outdoors, or simply nothing.

     Positivists, also recommend that you put limits on work and say no to people and projects. Accept that the day doesn’t have enough hours to do everything you want and choose the activities and people you want to be part of it. In the end, there are many things that we can postpone without causing a drama.

     Let us define what balance is for us. Take advantage of the free time we have for little to do things that give us energy and contribute to emotional and happiness balance. We need to have space for what really matters to us. There are no formulas to balance work life with staff, but you can, the important thing is that we decide to do it.

El emprendimiento humanista
Los nuevos emprendedores
Referencia empresarial
Conciencia social
Productivity and Efficiency
The Entrepreneur-humanist

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