lunes, 13 de febrero de 2017

Emotional intelligence allows us to be better persons


By Raúl Gorrín.- Emotional intelligence is the ability that human beings have to recognize and regulate our emotions. It is a skill that allows us to have self control, empathy and good social relationships and we can be a better person. Successful and well-known psychologists affirm that this type of intelligence is even more important than academic intelligence, because it allows us to participate and share with other human beings in a harmonious and peaceful environment.

     According to research conducted, people with high emotional intelligence earn better salaries and get better rewards in work and social life. Emotional intelligence is demonstrated not only by those who are outstanding leaders, but by those who have outstanding performances. That’s why, it is very important that as parents we cultivate and help develop emotional intelligence in our children, since learning to regulate emotions, and understanding how their reactions affect their social interactions, will guide them to be more successful in life. Also, it is a concept related to the way we can control our abilities, make decisions and solve problems that have to do with managing emotions and relationships.

     On the other hand, women emotionally intelligent tend to be energetic and express explicit feelings. On the other part, men are often open and sociable, express their feelings properly rather than indulge in emotional explosion of those who later have to complain and tolerate tension well. In addition, emotional intelligence allows us to become aware of our emotions, to understand others’ feeling, to tolerate the pressures and frustrations of daily life, to develop our capacity to work as a team and to adopt an empathic and social attitude, which will give us more possibilities of professional development and personal.

     The ability we have to lead a team, solve problems, resolve conflicts, work as a team, how to face and leave strengthened and motivated after a failure, and how to direct and guide our own lives and those around us, are skills that can be developed through emotional intelligence. The ability to motivate ourselves, to persevere in our efforts despite frustrations, to control our impulses, to defer gratification, to regulate our own moods, to prevent anxiety from interfering with our rational faculties and ability to empathize and trust others. It is a concept that we should put in practice every day to achieve success.

El emprendimiento humanista
Los nuevos emprendedores
Referencia empresarial
Conciencia social
Productivity and Efficiency
The Entrepreneur-humanist

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