sábado, 11 de febrero de 2017

Psycho business: The Mind to Generate Business


By Raúl Gorrín .- The world changes, always new things and from to learn thanks to the constant transformations that operate in all areas of human life. Therefore, we have every day new trends and ways of developing human activity. This was the case when psychology and business management merged: psycho business was born. And what is psycho business? Is a tool to improve the economic performance of companies based on the understanding of the behavior of employees and clients. Psycho businesses are used at high management levels and to discover the role that the mind plays in business.

     Psycho business is to know and understand the psychology of people, to channel the commercial activity in an optimal way, to get better results, more productivity and profitability. The application of psycho business is not only limited to the members of the organization, but it is also possible to extend its use to customers. In the last case, the psycho business is applied with a view to knowing and understanding the needs of the clients in order to be able to make more precise segmentations. Also, knowing the mind and behavior of people is essential to adapt products and / or services to the real needs of consumers.    

     With the application of psycho business you will be able to improve the economic performance of the company, since workers will offer the best of themselves so customers can meet their needs with our products and / or services.

     The management team is the main operator of psycho business, since it is the main actor to adopt the knowledge of this discipline to project them to the rest of the organization. Psycho business seeks to better understand the motivation of customers to make purchases, seeks to find ways to resolve conflicts, design communication tools, enhance performance, motivation and productivity of workers, while understanding market trends.

El emprendimiento humanista
Los nuevos emprendedores
Referencia empresarial
Conciencia social
Productivity and Efficiency
The Entrepreneur-humanist

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