lunes, 13 de febrero de 2017

Tips to be successful employee

By Raúl Gorrín.- Sometimes we believe that working hard will give us points with the boss, but the reality is that in the work world, what counts is not the sacrifice, are the results. That’s why; we should work with intelligence and efficient way. If you want to be a valuable professional for your company, here are the tools that will get you out of the pile. With them you can earn the respect of your colleagues and supervisors, you can build a solid reputation at work.  

     Take a look of these four tips.

·         Take responsibility: many times we blame others for our mistakes or for not being able to complete the work. Remember that we were hired not to create excuses but results. If others represent a problem, let us look for ways to solve it, in a professional way. We should never collapse with attacks. All the time, show that our goal is to find solutions in a respectful and effective way. What we should never do is to walk with a complaining with everyone. This marks us as an immature and unprofessional person.

·         Don’t say I'll do my best, act: we should avoid prophet of disaster. This type of employee is dedicated to predicting the failure of anything that is attempted, without offering alternatives. It is advisable to become a real machine to create solutions. This is not as difficult as we think. In the same way that negative imagination is used to anticipate catastrophes, you can use the positive to find different ways to reach the goal.

·         Punctuality and organization: late arrivals at appointments or business meetings send our boss several messages, all negative such as “I am a messy employee” or “My time is more valuable than others”.

·         Respect: if we share the same space with other colleagues, we should behave in a considered way. Is a way to respect ourselves and others. Also, let's always use the words “thank you” for good days and “please”.

El emprendimiento humanista
Los nuevos emprendedores
Referencia empresarial
Conciencia social
Productivity and Efficiency
The Entrepreneur-humanist

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